Riau is the number one palm producing province in Indonesia with an area of 3.38 million ha or 20.68% of the total area of oil palm plantations spread across 26 provinces.
Based on data from the Riau Central Bureau of Statistics, there are 238 palm oil companies spread across 10 regencies. Of this number, there are 219 private companies and 19 state plantation companies.
In addition, Riau has an area of smallholder oil palm plantations reaching 1.8 million hectares which support more than 900 thousand farmers. This does not include the existence of cooperatives and micro-agricultural institutions in the vicinity of oil palm plantations.
The presence of oil palm plantations in Riau has contributed to regional development in Riau, from what was previously a remote area to a new economic center. The PASPI study found that the economic transaction value of the urban community to the oil palm plantation community was IDR 26.8 trillion, and the transaction value of the rural community to the oil palm plantation community was IDR 10.4 trillion.The presence of oil palm plantations in Riau has contributed to regional development in Riau, from what was previously a remote area to a new economic center. The PASPI study found that the economic transaction value of the urban community to the oil palm plantation community was IDR 26.8 trillion, and the transaction value of the rural community to the oil palm plantation community was IDR 10.4 trillion.
Riau is the center of the downstream palm oil industry which is home to production facilities for oleochemicals, biodiesel and other oleo food products. In addition, the Port of Dumai Riau is a center for export activities of palm products to various countries that use CPO products.